White Negroni


Wanna shake one up together?

Makes 1 cocktail


  • 2 oz Gin**

  • 1 oz Lillet Blanc

  • 3/4 oz Suze

  • 2-3 dashes grapefruit bitters

  • Ice

  • Grapefruit Garnish


Prepare your cocktail

To a cocktail stirring glass, add your gin, Lillet, and Suze, along with a few dashes of grapefruit bitters.

Add plenty of ice then stir well to chill.

Strain into a glass with a large ice cube, then garnish with grapefruit and serve.

**Pro tip: for another layered step, remove the peels from 1 grapefruit and take off as much pith as possible. Place them into a jar with 2 cups of gin and let that infuse in the fridge for 24 hours. Strain out the peels and you’re left with a wonderfully scented gin to use for this cocktail.


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