Matcha French Macaron


Wanna make some macs together?

Makes 15-20 macs | Prep: 20-25 min | Bake: 20 min | Oven: 275°


For the macaron batter

  • 230 grams powdered sugar

  • 200 grams almond meal

  • 155 grams egg whites, room temperature

  • 150 grams granulated sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla paste

For the filling

  • 1 stick room temperature butter

  • ~2 cups powdered sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla paste

  • 1 tablespoon matcha powder

  • tiny pinch salt

  • Raspberry or blackberry jam as needed


Prepare your equipment

Line two baking trays with parchment paper or, ideally, non stick silicone sheets. Set the oven to 300° F. Prepare your piping bag with a medium round tip.

Prepare your dry ingredients

(This step is optional but I prefer the results) Place the powdered sugar and the almond meal in the bowl of a food processor and blitz on high for 1 minute, then set it aside. If you’re skipping this step, just sift the two together and set aside.

Make the meringue

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, place the room temperature egg whites and turn the machine on medium high speed. Slowly start adding the granulated sugar, about a teaspoon at a time. Once you’ve added 1/3 of the sugar, increase the speed to max and continue adding the sugar slowly. When all the sugar has been added, add the vanilla and continue to whip until the egg whites form stiff peaks, then turn off the machine.

Mix the batter

Add all the dry ingredients to the egg whites. Fold the almond meal into the egg whites, working gently, but firmly enough to slightly deflate the egg white mix. Continue folding until the batter looks like magma. It should be stiff enough to barely hold its shape, but should lose any stiff peaks and bumps after settling if you dollop it.

Load your piping bag with half the batter. Pipe even disks, about the size of a half dollar, with the bag held perpendicular to the tray—this helps ensure even shape.

Once all macs are piped, dust with a bit of matcha powder, then bang the tray on the counter two or three times and allow the them to sit out, uncovered, for 15 minutes.

Lower the oven temp to 275°F. Bake the macs for about 20 minutes. You’ll know they’re done when they easily pop off of the baking tray, but are still a bit soft in the middle.

Make your filling

Place all the ingredients in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk. Start the machine on low, then slowly increase the speed to high. Beat until it turns to a nice light pale green, then place into a piping bag fitted with a round or star tip.

If the mixture is a bit thick, adjust it by adding a touch of milk while whisking on medium speed.

Assemble the macs

When the macs have cooled fully, flip half of them over. Pipe a circle of the matcha buttercream around the edge. Use two spoons to fill the middle of the hole with the jam, then gently place another mac on top to create a round sandwich. Repeat until all are filled

Store in an airtight container for a few days

Pro tip: Macs store really well in the freezer! Store them in an airtight container or zip top bag for up to a month. Thaw them uncovered on a tray for about an hour before serving.


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